Lead by Peter Kellett PhD RN, the Migration, Gender, and Health team is pursuing research and intervention projects focused on addressing the gender related challenges faced by migrants to new countries, and particularly migrants to Canada. While gender certainly exerts a profound impact on health in countries of origin, the often dramatic social and cultural shifts that accompany migration to a new host country can precipitate additional challenges in a migrant’s understanding of their place in the world and shifts in power dynamics in relationships and social networks. Gender related migration challenges also occur within an landscape of intersectional challenges and social hierarchies, including: racialization and discrimination; failure to recognize education and professional qualifications from the country of origin; unemployment and under-employment; psychological trauma and Post-traumatic stress disorder; and difficulty navigating a new health care system and social system.
This work will be carried out by the following team of researchers and graduate students

Peter Kellett PhD RN, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Lethbridge (Lead Researcher). Holding a Master of Nursing degree in Population Nursing (Epidemiology) and a PhD in Theoretical and Computational Science (Demography), Peter’s research explores social hierarchies and health, with a particular focus in the areas of LGBTQ2S+ health, gender and health, and migration and health. Peter is also a research affiliate of the Prentice Institute for Global Population and Economy
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Md Kamrul Islam PhD is a postdoctoral research fellow at the Prentice Institute for Global Population and Economy, University of Lethbridge. Kamrul obtained MA and PhD in Sociology with specialization in Demography from the University of Alberta. He has received extensive training on quantitative analysis and longitudinal data analysis from Johns Hopkins University, Columbia University and the University of Zurich. He is currently working in areas of population health and aging, and South Asian Demography
Evans Oppong B.Sc. (Environmental and Health Education), M.Sc. (Health Sciences). Supervised by Dr, Jean Harrowing and Dr. Peter Kellett, Evan’s master’s thesis research examined the health care choices of Ghanaian adult immigrants to Alberta. A qualitative exploratory descriptive approach was applied to explore the relevant problems faced by this immigrant population, and how decision dynamics related to cultural beliefs, gender, health status, and social determinants influence health choices.
Emmanuel Ato Desbordes B.A. (Honours) Political Science and the Study of Religion, M.Sc. (Health Sciences Graduate Student). Currently engaged in a qualitative master’s thesis entitled “Exploring shifting Power Dynamics within Intimate Partnerships among African Immigrants to Canada” Emmanuel is examining the gender and other intersectional factors that impact the power-dynamics between couples following migration to Canada.
Graduate Students
Zohreh Hosseinpour M.Sc.N. RN, M.Sc. Student (Health Sciences). Zohreh joined the GAPSinHealth team in January 2021 . Her MSc N thesis compared the professional confidemce of nursing students an clinical nurses in Iran, and she was the copy editor and executive director at the Evidence Based Care Journal, published by Mashhad Universiy of Medical Sciences.

Daniel Agyapong B.Sc. (Honours) Integrated Science Education, M.Sc. (Health Sciences) Graduate Student . Daniel plans to engage in research in the area of immigrant men’s mental health.
Benjamin Asante B.Ed. (Health Sciences), M.Sc. (Health Sciences) Student. Benjamin will be joining the GAPS in Health research team soon and plans to research the intersection of men’s sexual and mental health.